Review of Cycle-1 in the Spiral
Stage-1 to Stage-2
■ See: Political Transition #1
In moving from a
ethos to a ethos, the populace has to protest violently against gross abuses of power. The people en masse typically instigate, or at least threaten, a violent revolution.So the socio-political world does indeed turn upside down in this initial transition.More
The development of full enfranchisement in the West took centuries and required the intellectual work of the philosophers of «the enlightenment». But it has happened once, which means it can happen—but not that it must happen or must happen soon.
► More on developments in the West.
Stage-2 to Stage-3
■ See: Political Transition #2
has no means for producing the wealth that it so tantalizingly promises to re-distribute to the people via and equality under the law.In moving to a more prosperous state, the populace finds itself involved in ideological strife about the nature and intrinsic rights of man and the possibilities and limitations of collectivism and State control of production.More
Capitalist economic principles get discredited because they are quietly and deliberately violated by their loudest political supporters with dire consequences. However, if the focus is on self-reliance and freedom of individuals to choose, then those principles, culturally adapted, become self-evidently required for prosperity.
Stage-3 to Stage-4
■ See: Political Transition #3
The problems that free enterprise leaves in its wake demand development of the first move to the right along the X-Axis, that is to say in the direction of greater Benefit for Others.
. Here, we note theThe critical change here has been the flowering of science and technology, and its permeation in society via socialization in schools. This ethos provides a popular respect for dispassionate inquiry and scientific expertise, as well as for systematic above-board consideration of public views, special interests, and various perspectives. Truth must be valued so that powerful interests do not obscure or conceal relevant facts.
To get action, people must still get angry and protest the despoliation of common resources or corrupt choices. They must fight the use of unfair tactics by the rich and connected. Anger alone, however, does not alter anything. Protest cannot stop the influence of wealth on government or the manipulation of money; and revolutionary violence is no longer sensible.
Stage-4 to Stage-1 Re-entry
■ See: Arrival of Plutocratic Pluralism II

This pseudo-transition back to the inequalities in society start escalating and a new set of elites emerges.
seems to go down the Y-Axis i.e. reduced Self-Awareness. This is not a transition because have never been left or lost. However, due to economic development and the financialization of society,The
and its elites are very different from what existed in . There are many more organized groups as well as a far more complex structure of powerful groups. We therefore locate ( ) further along the X-Axis and down the ellipse.An explosive situation must unfold, because power is now a function of wealth rather than status (regardless of who gets elected), and there are no effective psychosocial controls on power or wealth.
The next transition in sophistication is therefore just a matter of time.
On this page, we have:
- summarized how and why the political life of any society evolves;
- specified the various contributions made by each of the .
Now we can:
- review development in the West;
- appraise observed progress from a taxonomic perspective.
Then we will be ready to consider the expected degeneration of Political Transition #4.
to produce the calamity needed forOriginally posted: July 2009; Last updated: 27 Mar 2014